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Resources for AT Trial Periods

This page includes a sampling of websites that offer a wide range of information about AT Trial Periods.  Each of the sites listed below will also lead you to other resources.

  • National Assistive Technology in Education (NATE) Network:  NATE — the National Assistive Technology in Education Network — brings together information from the many fields and disciplines that are involved in assistive technology services in educational settings. The Network provides information in a cohesive, integrated manner, so that people from all disciplines can access it. The Forms and Tools section of the NATE Network website provides a variety of data collection and planning forms that might be useful for trial periods as well as forms and tools for other aspects of AT services.
  • Checklist for Looking AT Assistive Technology:  On the website, 15 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.Their goal is to help the millions of parents whose children, ages 3–20, are struggling with learning.  This website provides an excellent checklist on what to think about  when looking at assistive technology for a child. It is useful for both parents and school teams that are implementing trial periods.
  • Hey! Can I Try That?- The HeyCanITryThat manual was developed to be used with and by students to help them be more involved in decisions about AT.
  • Trial Period Plan Sample-This report, TrialPeriodPlanSample, can be used as a model to demonstrate the format and information that districts need in order to make an AT decision.



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