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CATO Publications

Education Tech Points can be used in a variety of different ways by a wide range of audiences. Each of the publications below was developed using the Education Tech Points framework, but was written for specific audiences.

Scroll down the page to find direct links to all Education Tech Points Products.  The publication categories you find on this page include Professional Materials, Books for Parents and Materials for Students

Publications for Professionals

Education Tech Points

Education Tech Points helps you to develop an assistive technology process for an individual child or for an entire school district. Individual updated chapters of Education Tech Points are available to download from the Home tab of this website or from the ETP Resources tab in applicable sections

Download Education Tech Points Chapters

School Profile of AT Services

A self-assessment for IEP teams to evaluate their AT services.

ABC Quick sheets

Do you spend a lot of time explaining assistive technology (AT) to others?  Are you looking for tools to help colleagues better understand AT and how to effectively consider it during IEP meetings?  Do you have administrators who want to better understand their role in AT?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you will love these convenient, easy to understand Quick Sheets from CATO written by Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed. They contain valuable, practical information in an easy-to-understand format. 

The ABC’s of Effective AT Consideration

This Quick Sheet provides specific steps for AT Consideration with tips, prompts, questions and resources to help you improve each step of the process.

The ABC’s of AT Case Management

This Quick Sheet will identify key components of case management and critical questions and resources to enhance the management of all aspects of AT service provision.

The ABC’s of Effective Administrator Support of AT Services

Administrators play a critical role in the successful use of AT. This Quick Sheet provides indicators of excellence in administrative support.

The ABC’s of Effectively Evaluating AT Use

This Quick Sheet includes specific steps to follow and prompts and questions to ensure good evaluation of the effectiveness of the AT use.

The ABC’s of Understanding Assistive Technology Devices

This Quick Sheet provides a simple framework for understanding the broad range of AT tools.  It includes a series of continua of typical AT tools.

The ABC’s of Improving AT Services

This quick sheet will be an outstanding tool for program evaluation and identification of areas of strength and weakness in your AT Services.

Publications for Parents

Assistive Technology
Pointers for Parents

Assistive Technology Pointers for Parents is a 78-page long workbook that includes worksheets, stories about children who use assistive technology and resource and reference information that parents will find valuable in exploring assistive technology.

La Asistencia Tecnologica
Consejos Para Los Padres

La Asistencia Tecnologica Consejos Para Los Padres es un cuaderno de 78 páginas que incluye hojas de trabajo, historias sobre niños que usan tecnología asistiva y recursos e información de referencia que los padres encontrarán valiosos para explorar la tecnología asistencial.

Publications for Students

Hey Can I Try That?

A Student Handbook for Choosing and Using Assistive Technology by Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed

¡Oye! Puedo Yo Intentar Eso?

Un Manual para Estudiantes para Elegir y Usar Tecnología de Asistencia por Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed

That Could Work For Me!

A free handbook for adults with disabilities who want to explore the use of assistive technology. This adaptation of Hey Can I Try That? is authored by Gayl Bowser and Penny Reed. It contains stories and questions related to work and independent living. Appropriate for adults with disabilities, their families and their support team.

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