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Forms to Guide Periodic Review of AT
The Education Tech Point for Periodic Review refers to the need to regularly monitor the student's progress. It can take many formats. It may be a scheduled review by the classroom team working with the student, a formal evaluation as needed for the IEP for a three year re-evaluation, or simply an informal walk through the classroom. These forms may be useful.
- The AT Data Plan- helps a team determine the change that AT may help a student make, the data that the team will collect and plan for AT use.
- The Classroom AT Walk Through is a form to help an administrator look at classroom organization, the student's level of participation, evidence of rules and procedures, and the types of skills the student will need in order to effectively use the AT.
- The Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology has a variety of forms including Plan for Evaluation of Effectiveness, that is designed to guide the team through an effective process for determining whether the AT is helping the student to make the desired progress.
- The National Assistive Technology in Education (NATE) Network website has a variety of forms that service providers have designed to use in collecting data about a student's use of AT. Some of these forms may be useful.
- AT Follow Along Form-This AT Follow Along Form is designed to be printed on 11” by 17” heavy paper or card stock to serve as a folder for critical records about AT or AAC use. It also has space to document that use to create a convenient history that will follow the student throughout his/her school program. The idea for this was originally from Portland Public Schools, Portland, OR
- Been There, Done That-Developed by Caufield & Hornfelt (2004), this useful Been There Done Thatform can be used to document a student’s use of augmentative communication tools and devices. Collecting this information in a simple format can prevent teams from repeatedly “starting over”.