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Resources for Designing AT Services

There are many resources that can help when thinking about how to best deliver AT services.

  • ABCs of AT Case Management-This  ABCs Of Case Management quick sheet includes signs of excellence related to a student’s AT use as well as red flags that may indicate there are problems that need to be addressed. It suggests questions that a case manager or team can use to help them target areas that might lead to improved AT use.
  • Assistive Technology Model Operating Guidelines-An example of the type of content that a school district or other education agency might find important to include is found in the Model Operating Guidelines developed by the Oregon Technology Access Program.
  • Myths and Facts Surrounding-Assistive Technology Devices    Issued on 01-22-2024, theOSEP Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) introduces two initiatives from the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs.  Links to Myths and Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology Devices and Services, as well as the U.S Department of Education 2024 National Education Technology Plan (NETP), emphasize and clarify the importance of AT in the educational programs of students with disabilities.  Both documents can be found in English and Spanish at this link.
  • Local School System AT Guidelines and Procedures-These Local AT Guidelines-GPAT, developed by the Georgia Department of Education, contain wording that can be used in operating guidelines that address all components of the AT service delivery process. It includes procedures that IEP teams may use when providing AT services.
  • International Society for Technology in Education Technology Standards-ISTE Technology Standards have been developed for students, teachers, and administrators. They can be used to re-engineer technology services and move toward effective technology education. Use of AT by students with disabilities should parallel use of technology by all students.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004-the official website for IDEA 2004 as well as other sites such as WrightsLaw can be a resource to ensure you include services that are legal and defensible. Search specifically for assistive technology within both of these sites.
  • Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services-The Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology  were developed by focus groups across the country over several years and validated through research. They include the specific indicators, intent statements that further explain each indicator, and a list of common errors for each of the eight areas. The eight areas included in the Quality Indicators for AT Services are all important to the development and delivery of assistive technology services and include:
    • Consideration of AT Needs,
    • Assessment of AT Needs,
    • AT in the IEP,
    • AT Implementation,
    • Evaluation of Effectiveness of AT,
    • AT in Transition,
    • Administrative Support for AT, and
    • AT Professional Development.Quality Indicators for AT Services within Section 504-Quality indicators have also been developed for reference when providing AT devices and services to students with disabilities who are served under Section 504. The areas they address are similar to the areas for the original Quality Indicators described above, with the addition of: Awareness of Reasonable 504 AT Accommodations and Student Instruction about AT.
  • Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology in Post Secondary Education-Another outgrowth of the Quality Indicators are those developed for students transitioning to post secondary services. The Quality Indicators for AT in Post Secondary Education include self-assessment matrices for both students and Post secondary campuses.
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