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Resources for Developing Plans that Include AT


These resources can be helpful when developing plans that include AT. Some are food for thought and others are practical checklists.

  • Understood for Learning and Attention Issues-The goal of the Understood website is to help the parents of children 3-20 who are struggling with learning. The section on AT has many useful resources. Consider reviewing the Checklist: What to Ask the School Before Choosing a Tool or Device as you prepare for an IEP meeting.
  • IEP development Guide from Design to Learn-Design to Learn is a project of the Oregon Institute on Disability and Development at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, OR. They specialize in developing effective assessment and teaching strategies for children and adults with low incidence disabilities. The IEP Development Guide from Design to Learn can help IEP teams think about the IEPs they develop.
  • Child Centered IEP Meetings-This article on Planning in IEP is about a child centered process for developing IEPs. It can help teams to plan and write IEPs using a collaborative process.
  • Documenting services in the IEP: Beyond Goals and Objectives. This article on Documenting Services in the IEP focuses on how to clearly illustrate services in the IEP document including the documentation of related services. It includes a comprehensive example that continues throughout the article.
  • Guiding Team Discussion-This list of questions about a student’s AT use is designed to help facilitate team discussions when the need for AT is considered for inclusion into an IEP, Questions to facilitate AT DecisionMaking.
  • Writing AT into IEPs - This article on Writing AT into IEPs.docx provides a thorough overview of the many factors to be considered in order to clearly include AT in a student's IEP.  It includes numerous examples
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