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Training Materials for AT Evaluation

Many educators want to know more about how to determine the assistive technology needs of their students with disabilities. While participating as part of a team is one of the best ways to learn the process, here are some resources that can be useful in training.

  • The WATI AT Assessment materials-The process developed by the Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative is used worldwide when conducting AT evaluations. There are two good sources for information that can be used in training:
    • AT Internet Module on Using the WATI process-The Ohio Center on Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) has developed and maintains an excellent resource that includes dozens of different modules related to AT.  The 39 modules from WATI can be especially helpful in learning more about both the AT assessment process and AT tools. The module on WATI AT Assessment process  describes the sequence of steps used in an AT assessment and explains how each of the WATI forms is used in that process. (Note: If you have already signed up with the AT Internet Modules, the link will take you directly to the module on using the WATI Assessment process. If you have not yet signed up, go ahead and do that. There is no charge and they do not share your name with anyone else. Then choose the module: An Overview of Using the WATI Assessment Process.)
    • Assessing Student’s Needs for AT-This manual written by the staff of the Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative also covers the basics of the AT assessment process, it is older, but it can be downloaded and is still useful. The first chapter is on the AT Evaluation process developed by WATI.
  • AT Internet Module on general AT Assessment process-A more general overview of the AT Assessment process can also be useful for beginning training. (Note: If you have already signed up with the AT Internet Modules, the link will take you directly to the module on using the WATI Assessment process. If you have not yet signed up, go ahead and do that. There is no charge and they do not share your name with anyone else. Then choose the module:  AT Assessment Process in the School Environment.)
  • District procedures are an important component of effective AT evaluations. This Sample District AT Procedure outlines the basic steps that might be included in a district's written procedures.
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